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A report by SMLR’s Center for Women and Work finds an additional 200,000 children would be covered if the state adopted the federal income threshold.
Patch cites a 2022 study by the Center for Women and Work, revealing that a lack of childcare forces some parents to trade full-time work for part-time jobs that offer more flexibility.
State of Affairs with Steve Adubato interviews Debra Lancaster of the Center for Women and Work and Atiya Weiss of The Burke Foundation about the new coalition.

First 1,000 Days Policy Coalition Promotes Access to High-Quality, Affordable Child Care for Infants and Toddlers — and Other Vital Supports for Working Families.
WBUR Radio’s On Point interviews Becky Logue-Conroy of the Center for Women and Work about New Jersey’s paid family leave program.
Marketplace interviews Yana Rodgers of the Center for Women and Work. She says many women are dealing with “the stigma associated with being a caregiver.”
Business Insider reports a growing number of women are landing six-figure jobs. SMLR’s Yana Rodgers of the Center for Women and Work credits DEI initiatives.
Business Insider reports a growing number of women are landing six-figure jobs. SMLR’s Yana Rodgers of the Center for Women and Work credits DEI initiatives.
Contact Us
For Press Inquiries, contact
Steve Flamisch:
Debra Lancaster
CWW Executive Director
Joy J. Kim
Faculty Director
Glenda Gracia-Rivera
Director of Professional Development and Training
Ludine Daux
Senior Program Coordinator
Becky Logue-Conroy
Research Analyst
Eva Alexander
Program Coordinator
Laura Beltran Figueroa
Post-Doctoral Associate