CWW Services
Policy Analysis & Community Engagement
We conduct research and analysis of proposed policies and evaluates the effects of existing policies in order to inform public discourse among policymakers, researchers, advocates, the media, and others. We have focused much of our work on thoughtful critical analysis of workplace policies and practices so that workers can be both productive on the job and responsible family members at home. We have a range of expertise, from paid family leave, earned sick days, pay equity and minimum wage to unionization, college completion, and more.
In addition, we play a critical role in bringing the policy from paper to practice, both on the state and local level, providing technical expertise, resources, outreach and education, and support to administrative agencies, workers, businesses, and the communities in New Jersey.
Professional Development & Training
Our professional development and training services focus on the needs of students and working women by conducting programs for educators, experienced professionals, and students of all ages. Growing and developing women leaders in our workplaces will benefit the advancement of all workers. With combined expertise from our industry and organizational partners we collaborate to provide programs that will develop women leaders from the classroom to the boardroom. All programs are designed to meet the specific needs of our partners, and can be presented onsite. In addition to custom programs, we offer the following to advance educational equity and women’s leadership:
Leadership Development
- Leadership Development for Early Career Women – consists of six half-day sessions of in-person training at your site, which include facilitated workshops, peer coaching, and the development of a personalized leadership plan. Early career is the best time for potential women leaders to identify and develop the skills they need to advance and map potential pathways to the top—filling gaps in the diverse leadership pipeline.
Research & Evaluation
We conduct cutting-edge social science research on a range of topics relevant to our mission. This area of our work involves analysis of large-scale government and other public datasets to assess labor market opportunities and trends for women workers across the economic spectrum. We also collect both quantitative and qualitative data to assess public policies aimed at improving the lives of women workers, and conduct research to explore their working conditions, struggles, and paths to success. In all of our projects, we bring a gendered lens to bear on understanding issues of importance to women workers, their families, and their communities.
Technical Assistance
- Leadership, Equity, and Diversity Education (LEADE) - the overarching goal of our LEADE program offerings is to ensure all learners have access and success in high quality education and career programs, with specific emphasis on training and preparation for high-skill, high-wage, and high-demand fields. We accomplish this by providing research-based technical assistance and training services focused on educational equity, including but not limited to:
- Professional development workshops and turnkey training
- Recruitment & program development strategies
- Curriculum/lesson plan development
- Data review & analysis
- On-site assessments
- Educator and/or student surveys, interviews, etc.
- Peer leadership training and student program development/implementation
- Public Policy Analysis
Contact Us
For Press Inquiries, contact
Steve Flamisch:
Debra Lancaster
CWW Executive Director
Joy J. Kim
Faculty Director
Glenda Gracia-Rivera
Director of Professional Development and Training
Ludine Daux
Senior Program Coordinator
Becky Logue-Conroy
Research Analyst
Eva Alexander
Program Coordinator
Laura Beltran Figueroa
Post-Doctoral Associate