CWW Affiliates help us with our shared goals of connecting and supporting a community of Rutgers scholars who are interested in engaging in research that is linked to advancing economic equity and social justice for women workers their families, and their communities.
Our Affiliates | |
Skye Allmang |
Jeounghee Kim Social Work |
Jocelyn Crowley |
Helen Liu Human Resource Management |
Rebecca Givan Labor Studies and Employment Relations |
Tobias Schulze-Cleven Labor Studies and Employment Relations |
Anna Haley Social Work |
Naomi Williams Labor Studies and Employment Relations |
Become a Center for Women and Work Affiliate
If you are interested in becoming a CWW Affiliate, please contact Debra Lancaster, dlancaster@smlr.rutgers.edu.
Research Topics of interest include (but are not limited to):
- Economic insecurity
- Poverty and the social safety net
- Carework
- Intersectionality of race, gender, work
- Precarious employment
- Reducing inequality and poverty for women
- Women’s leadership
- Women’s role in social movements
- Gendered division of labor
- Equity focused policy research
- Pay gap(s)
- Work and family
- Future of work(ers)
- Women’s health and economic outcomes
- #metoo
Contact Us
For Press Inquiries, contact
Steve Flamisch:
Debra Lancaster
CWW Executive Director
Joy J. Kim
Faculty Director
Glenda Gracia-Rivera
Director of Professional Development and Training
Ludine Daux
Senior Program Coordinator
Becky Logue-Conroy
Research Analyst
Eva Alexander
Program Coordinator
Laura Beltran Figueroa
Post-Doctoral Associate