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NJBIZ covers a report by Debra Lancaster, Becky Logue-Conroy, and Yana Rodgers of the Center for Women and Work. The report reveals an earnings gap for moms.

SMLR’s Center for Women and Work finds that working moms earn less than women without children and significantly less than men.
NJ Spotlight News reports on a budget crisis facing non-profit centers that help Latina women in New Jersey. The story cites research by the Center for Women and Work.
The Fuller Project interviews Yana Rodgers of the Center for Women and Work about her research on the “global gag rule.” The New Republic also publishes the story.
Rutgers Today covers research by Hazel-Anne Johnson, Douglas Kruse, and Lisa Schur of the Program for Disability Research, Xiangmin (Helen) Liu, and Yana Rodgers of the Center for Women and Work.
Patch runs Mayor Ras Baraka’s press release about the Newark Women Moving Forward financial initiative. A study by the Center for Women and Work is cited.
Rutgers Today publishes a Q&A with Debra Lancaster of the Center for Women and Work and Jenifer Garcia Pelaez ’21, an organizer at the worker center New Labor.
Contact Us
For Press Inquiries, contact
Steve Flamisch:
Debra Lancaster
CWW Executive Director
Joy J. Kim
Faculty Director
Glenda Gracia-Rivera
Director of Professional Development and Training
Ludine Daux
Senior Program Coordinator
Becky Logue-Conroy
Research Analyst
Eva Alexander
Program Coordinator
Laura Beltran Figueroa
Post-Doctoral Associate