School of Management and Labor Relations (SMLR) undergraduate students are eligible to apply for the SMLR Honors Program the year before their senior year, which includes taking a SMLR Honors course that structures the completion of an Honor’s Thesis. In addition to taking the SMLR Honors course, students will be paired with a Research Advisor who will serve as a mentor and subject matter expert with respect to the student’s thesis topic. 

Why apply for the SMLR Honors program? 

Personal Fulfillment
  • Exercise your curiosity
  • Improve your critical thinking skills
  • More deeply explore an HRM or LSER topic
  • Learn the research process 
  • Work with cutting-edge scholars
Enhanced Achievement 
  • An “honor” to graduate with Honors!
  • Improve your career placement
  • Prepare for a future in research or as a professor

Through the SMLR Honors course, you will:

  • Learn time management
  • Understand the ethics of social science research
  • Create research questions
  • Review, critique, and synthesize existing research
  • Design research studies 
  • Write and present an Honors Thesis

The SMLR Honors Program includes the completion of two SMLR Honors courses spread across the Fall and Spring semesters that typically align with the student’s senior year.  

Eligibility Criteria

SMLR undergraduate students are eligible to apply for the SMLR Honor’s Program if they have met (or plan to meet) the following criteria:

  • Declared a SMLR Undergraduate Major (BA HRM, BA LSER, BS LER)
  • A Major GPA of 3.5 or higher
  • An Overall GPA of 3.0 or higher
  • Currently of “Junior” standing 
  • Completed a Methods / Statistics Course, such as: 
    • Research Methods - 37:575:401 or 38:578:501
    • Creating and Administering Surveys - 37:575:404 or 38:575:604
    • HRM & Statistics - 37:533:440
    • Basic Statistics for Research - 01:960:401
    • Introduction to Social Research - 01:920:311
    • Other Social Science Statistics or Research Course - check with your academic advisor

If you are eligible and interested in applying for the SMLR Honors Program, please email the Associate Dean of Academic Affairs, Dr. Rebecca Greenbaum, to be placed on the SMLR Honors Program interest list. 

  • Dr. Greenbaum will verify your eligibility with an academic advisor and then will invite you to apply for the SMLR Honors Program by early February of your Junior year.
  • The application process includes writing a one-page letter of interest that identifies one or more desired research topics and possible SMLR faculty advisors. 
  • The letter of interest will serve as your application and is due by late February of your Junior year. 
  • You will be notified in March as to whether you are accepted to the SMLR Honors Program.

Course work typically begins in the Fall semester of your Senior year and concludes in the Spring semester of your Senior year. Students graduating in January are still encouraged to apply, as your SMLR Honors work can end one semester earlier than your graduating semester. 


If you have any questions about the School of Management and Labor Relations Honors Program, please email Associate Dean Rebecca Greenbaum.