Explore This Section
How do I declare the HR Major or Minor?
Visit the How to Declare the HR Major webpage.
Who do I contact for a Special Permission Number to register for a class?
Contact Grace Tien at stien@smlr.rutgers.edu or 848-445-9434 for all for HRM Courses (37:533).
What are the costs of tuition and fees?
Click here to access the Rutgers Student Accounting Website to view the current tuition and fees for the current academic year.
Who do I contact about qualifications for graduation and verifying my credits?
Contact Grace Tien at stien@smlr.rutgers.edu or 848-445-9434.
How do I request a copy of my transcripts?
Contact the Office of the University Registrar, New Brunswick at http://nbregistrar.rutgers.edu for a copy of your transcript.
Contact Us
Shuenn "Grace" Tien
Student Counselor
Joy Montuoro
Student Counselor
Ryan Greenbaum