B.S. in Labor and Employment Relations Requirements


Select 36 credits from undergraduate courses offered by the Labor Studies and Employment Relations Department with a grade of C or better, including:

  • 37:575:100 (Introduction to Labor Studies) or 37:575:110 (Work, Society, & the Quality of Life)
  • 37:575:315 (Employment Law)
  • 37:575:395 (Perspectives – a survey of theories relevant to the major, taught with an emphasis on professional communication/writing)
  • 37:575:490 or 496 or 497 (Capstone internship; students with work experience can take any 200-400 level 37:575 course to substitute the capstone internship course requirement. Resume must be uploaded at https://secure.rutgers.edu/secureforms/Login.aspx?ID=UCC/ResumeUploadForm for consideration.)  

Up to 6 of these credits may consist of courses in related social science disciplines. Specific courses that count are listed on Degree Navigator. 

Research Methods/Statistics Requirement:

One 3 credit course. Courses from Rutgers–New Brunswick that automatically meet this requirement include 37:575:401 (Labor Studies); 01:920:311 (Sociology); 01:830:200 (Psychology); 01:790:300 (Political Science); 10:762:205 (Planning and Public Policy); 01:220:322 (Economics); 01:450:319 (Geography); or 01:960:211, 212, or 285 (Statistics). Other courses will be considered on a case-by-case basis.

General Education Requirements (27 credits):

Except for two courses that are required as part of the major, these are automatically met if a student transfers with an AA or AS degree from a NJ county college. For other students, any of the classes designated by the Core Curriculum New Brunswick within a given category are accepted by SMLR.

  1. Writing and Communication. 
    Expository writing (01:355:101) plus a second class that involves writing with revision.  [Additionally students must take a third writing intensive class as part of the major related to writing in the discipline.]
    Your goals: Communicate complex ideas effectively, in standard written English, to a general audience, and respond effectively to editorial feedback through successive drafts & revision. Craft a persuasive written argument in the discipline.
    Related classes in the major: writing with revision: 201 202, 300; disciplinary writing: 395.

  2. Quantitative reasoning. 
    3 credits in college-level mathematics or in a course utilizing applied quantitative reasoning plus the major requirement of a 3-credit class in research methods/statistics.
    Your goals: Formulate, evaluate, and communicate conclusions and inferences from quantitative information. Use quantitative reasoning to solve problems.  
    Related class in the major: applied mathematics: 250.
  3. Science and Technology. 
    Courses from natural science departments or from other departments that are primarily science-based, or technology-based for a total of at least 6 credits. 
    Your goals: Be literate regarding concepts and method in science.  Explain the relationship between assumptions, method, evidence, arguments, and theory in scientific analysis.
    Related classes in the major: none.
  4. Social Science. 
    Students must complete one course in social science for a total of 3 credits. This requirement is met automatically by classes in the major.  
    Your goals: Understand different theories about human culture, social identity, economic entities, political systems, and other forms of social organization, particularly as they relate to work. Use appropriate assumptions, methods, evidence, and arguments to study work and the human response to work.
    Related classes in the major: all.
  5. Arts and Humanities.  
    Any one 3-credit course from an Art, Music, English, Classics, Religion, or other Humanities department; some humanities rich courses from area studies programs or interdisciplinary departments may be counted on a case-by-case basis.
    Your goals: Be literate in what the humanities are and can offer in terms of understanding human experience.  And/or engage in creative expression yourself.
    Related classes in the major: none.
  6. History.
    Any 3-credit course from a history department or any course primarily historical in nature from another department.
    Your goals: Recognize how history shapes the present; use evidence appropriately in historical argument.
    Related classes in the major: 201, 202, 203, 207.
  7. Diversity. 
    Any approved course that provides opportunities to learn about human diversity issues in society and how workplaces can be more inclusive.
    Your goals: Analyze how race, class, language, religion, ethnicity, country of origin, gender identity, sexual orientation, economic status, abilities, or other social distinctions among people (and their intersections) influence work and economic opportunity.  Identify and consider how to rectify social justice issues at work.
    Related classes in the major: 215, 265, 303, 307, 309, 364.


Students applying to the off-campus Rutgers programs are encouraged to review websites operated in partnership with:

You can contact our Credit Director, Professor Paula Voos by telephone at 848-932-1748 to talk about these issues. Her email is pbvoos@smlr.rutgers.edu if you need to set up an appointment.