The 2012-2013 Fellow

Frank Mullins

Frank Mullins, a Bill Nobles Fellow, is addressing the commitment to long-term investments in human resources, relational forms of management, and broad-based employee ownership of founding family owners in large publicly-traded corporations. He is an Assistant Professor of Management at North Carolina A&T State University with a Ph.D. in human resource management from Syracuse University.

The 2011-2012 Fellow

Jody Hoffer GittellJody Hoffer Gittell, a Bill Nobles Fellow, is conducting case studies on corporations using freedom-based management that relies on coordination and commitment rather than command and control. She is an associate professor at the Brandeis University Heller School for Social Policy and Management and Acting Director of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology’s Leadership Center at the Sloan School of Management. She has a doctorate from MIT’s Sloan School.