Program History
SMLR’s annual fellowship program was established with a major gift from J. Robert Beyster and Mary Ann Beyster of La Jolla, California, with a grant from the Foundation for Enterprise Development.
The fellowships program is coordinated by two Beyster faculty fellows at Rutgers, professors Joseph Blasi and Douglas Kruse.
The Beyster fellowships are awarded to outstanding Ph.D. candidates or postdoctoral scholars in the areas of economics, history, management, business and labor relations, law, philosophy, psychology, political science, public policy, and sociology studying employee ownership and related ideas such as profit sharing and broad-based stock options in the corporation and society in the United States. The fellowships permit the students to associate with several scholars engaged in this area of research at Rutgers and receive mentoring and support.
This fellowship supports a Ph.D. student who is initiating or completing a thesis. The fellowship amount is $25,000 per year. The funds can be used to support full-time study at Rutgers University or research and travel expenses for graduate students at other universities. Students who wish to combine the fellowship with graduate study at Rutgers must also be accepted into the School of Management and Labor Relations doctoral program.
The Faculty fellowship of $25,000 supports a newly graduated Ph.D., a non-tenured faculty, or a senior faculty who would study/teach aspects of broad-based employee ownership and high performance participative work practices and is interested in integrating existing research into education on entrepreneurship, finance, employment relations and human resource management. The fellows may work at their home university and be mentored by SMLR faculty.
The Fellowship for a Visiting Professor Fellowship of $25,000 supports a professor from another institution who comes to SMLR to complete a research or writing project that is judged to have a large potential impact on the field of employee ownership. The professor/scholar will visit SMLR for the duration of one semester to one year in order to write up their thesis and/or complete publications under the guidance of SMLR faculty experts.
How To Apply
Applicants must submit the following information in writing by the deadline for applications for the fellowships:
- A statement of no more than 1,500 words describing their proposed research project including its current status and broader significance;
- A curriculum vitae;
- Three letters of reference (in sealed envelopes or submitted separately by email to beysterfellowships@smlr.rutgers.edu);
- A preliminary budget if the request is for research expenses.
Search Committee, Beyster Fellowships
Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey
School of Management and Labor Relations
Janice H. Levin Building, Room 216
94 Rockafeller Road
Piscataway, NJ 08854
Open to postdoctoral scholars or Ph.D. candidates in a relevant social science, humanities, business, or public policy discipline. A number of fellowships will be offered this year. Please submit your application for a fellowship by February 28, 2022 and include a detailed plan to carry out your research within the next academic year. Final decisions will be made on April 15, 2022. The fellowships will be awarded for the July 1, 2022 – June 30, 2023 academic year.
For more information or questions, please email beysterfellowships@smlr.rutgers.edu.