Collective Action: Engaging Ideas, Interests and Institutions
Special issue of Journal of Industrial Relations edited by Tobias Schulze-Cleven and Mingwei Liu
This special issue analyses innovation in collective action, exploring workers’ global attempts to build and mobilize power resources in the context of deep challenges to organized labour’s old strategies. Professors Tobias Schulze-Cleven and Mingwei Liu, co-directors of the Center, served as special guest editors of the journal and organized a conference to further probe this topic.
Full citation:
Schulze-Cleven, Tobias and Mingwei Liu, eds. 2017. Collective Action: Engaging Ideas, Interests and Institutions. Special issue of the Journal of Industrial Relations 59(4): 397–566.
Learn more about the special issue.
Table of Contents
Tobias Schulze-Cleven, “Collective action and globalization: Building and mobilizing labour power” (397-419)
Rudra Sil, “The battle over flexibilization in post-communist transitions: Labor politics in Poland and the Czech Republic, 1989-2010” (420-443)
Teri L. Caraway & Michele Ford, “Institutions and collective action in divided labour movements: Evidence from Indonesia” (444-464)
Stefan Schmalz & Marcel Thiel, “IG Metall’s comeback: Trade union renewal in times of crisis” (465-486)
Maite Tapia, Tamara L. Lee, & Mikhail Filipovitch, “Supra-union and intersectional organizing: An examination of two prominent cases in the low-wage US restaurant industry” (487-509)
Tobias Schulze-Cleven, Gary Herrigel, Nelson Lichtenstein, & Gay Seidman, “Beyond disciplinary boundaries: Leveraging complementary perspectives on global labour” (510-537)
Richard Hyman & Rebecca Gumbrell-McCormick, “Resisting labour market insecurity: Old and new actors, rivals or allies?” (538-561)