The Rutgers Institute for the Study of Employee Ownership and Profit Sharing has appointed its 2022-23 class of 34 research fellows. They are:
Rina Agarwala, Kendeda Fellow
- Professor of Sociology, Krieger School of Arts & Sciences, Johns Hopkins University
- Research: Employee ownership and empowerment in the Self-Employed Women’s Association (SAWA) cooperatives in India
Yifat Aran, Institute Fellow
- Assistant Professor of Business Law, University of Haifa (Israel)
- Research: How do start-up employees think about equity compensation?
Filippo Belloc, Nachson and Arieh Mimran Fellow
- Professor of Economic Policy, University of Siena (Italy)
- Research: Hierarchical control under profit sharing programs in the Italian Longitudinal Company Database on Labor (RIL-INAPP)
Tanya Smith Brice, Kendeda Fellow
- Vice President of Education, Council on Social Work Education
- Research: Employee share ownership programs as a tool to close the racial wealth gap
Adriane Clomax, Kendeda Fellow
- Ph.D. Candidate, Suzanne Dworak-Peck School of Social Work, University of Southern California
- Research: How are workers of color faring in ESOP jobs? How do HR social networks affect the applicant pool's diversity?
James de le Vingne, Executive Fellow
- CEO, Employee Ownership Association (UK) | Board Member, Ownership at Work (UK)
- Research: Evaluating the function and performance of employee-owned firms in the UK
David Finegold, Senior Fellow
- President, Chatham University
- Research: Developing and evaluating a citywide initiative to promote employee ownership conversions in Pittsburgh
Matthew Fisher-Post, Institute Fellow
- Ph.D. Candidate, Research Fellow, and Coordinator of the World Inequality Lab, Paris School of Economics (France)
- Research: Do firms with a higher labor share (or employees in a more equal income distribution) perform better?
Fred Freundlich, Kendeda Fellow
- Professor, Faculty of Business and Faculty of Humanities and Education, Mondragon University (Spain)
- Research: The effects of shared ownership education on employee-owners in the employee-owned Mondragon cooperatives
Mark Clayton Hand, Institute Fellow and Corey Rosen Fellow
- Visiting Lecturer and Co-Founder of the Research Cluster on Employee Ownership and Workplace Democracy, Southern Methodist University
- Research: Early research and data-gathering on employee ownership trusts
Jayasri (Joyce) Hart, Executive Fellow
- Filmmaker
- Research: Making the PBS film “Own It! Louis Kelso’s Macroeconomic Fix” with support from Women Make Movies and Northern California Public Media
Renee Hatcher, Kendeda Fellow
- Assistant Professor of Law and Director, Community Enterprise & Solidarity Economy Clinic, UIC John Marshall Law School, University of Illinois Chicago
- Research: Analyzing and reimagining the legal Infrastructure of worker cooperatives in the United States
Molly Hemstreet, Executive Fellow
- Co-Executive Director, Industrial Commons | Founder, Opportunity Threads
- Research: Local economic development and worker ownership
Denise Kasparian, Kendeda Fellow
- Assistant Professor, Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Buenos Aires (Argentina)
- Research: Social empowerment in the economy within worker cooperatives of platform cooperativism
Esteban Kelly, Executive Fellow
- Executive Director, United States Federation of Worker Cooperatives
- Research: The development of worker cooperatives in the United States
Jungook Kim, Employee Ownership Foundation Louis O. Kelso Fellow
- Assistant Professor, School of Arts, Science & Business, Chatham University
- Research: Continuing monthly brief research studies for the Employee Ownership Foundation and the Institute’s website
Kyoung Yong Kim, Employee Ownership Foundation Louis O. Kelso Fellow
- Assistant Professor, Villanova School of Business
- Research: Are high-quality employees more attracted to firms with employee ownership plans?
Felice Klein, J. Robert Beyster Fellow
- Assistant Professor of Management, College of Business and Economics, Boise State University
- Research: Gender, race, and employee equity awards
Fabio Landini, Nachson and Arieh Mimran Fellow
- Professor of Applied Economics, University of Parma (Italy)
- Research: Hierarchical control under profit sharing programs in the Italian Longitudinal Company Database on Labor (RIL-INAPP)
Alison Lingane, Executive Fellow
- Co-Founder, Project Equity
- Research: Buyouts of retiring business owners using employee ownership
Jens Lowitzsch, Faculty Fellow and Mentor of the Institute
- Kelso Professor of Comparative Law, East European Business Law, and European Legal Policy, Europa-Universität Viadrina Frankfurt (Oder) (Germany) | Managing Director, Kelso Institute Europe at Berlin
- Research: Analyzing the Renewable Energy Communities that represent hybrid worker-consumer cooperatives in sustainable energy across Germany and the European Union
Christopher Mackin, Ray Carey Fellow
- Faculty Member, Labor and Worklife Program, Harvard Law School
- Research: Analyzing credit enhancement and government guarantee policies to develop employee ownership of companies
Campbell McDonald, Executive Fellow
- Chief Executive Officer, Ownership at Work (UK)
- Research: Evaluating the function and performance of employee-owned firms in the UK
Cian McMahon, Patrick J. McGovern Fellow
- Postdoctoral Research Fellow, International Centre for Co-operative Management, St. Mary’s University (Canada)
- Research: What is the role for labor unions in governing worker cooperatives?
Jack Moriarty, Institute Policy Analysis Fellow
- Founder and Executive Director, Ownership America
- Research: Policy analysis of employee ownership legislative initiatives
Eve O’Connor, Institute Fellow
- Ph.D. Candidate, American Studies, Harvard University
- Research: Why did cooperatives thrive in the early twentieth-century United States?
Simon Pek, Social Capital Partners Fellow
- Assistant Professor of Business and Society, Gustavson School of Business, University of Victoria (Canada)
- Research: Case studies of ESOP-like employee-owned firms in Canada
Sarah Reibstein, Institute Fellow
- Research Scholar, Sociology, Barnard College
- Research: A sociological case study of the Alaska Permanent Fund Dividend
Andrew Robinson, Faculty Fellow and Mentor of the Institute
- Professor of Accounting and Performance, Leeds University Business School (UK) | Academic Advisor, Ownership at Work (UK)
- Research: Performance of employee-owned firms
Adria Scharf, Employee Ownership Foundation Louis O. Kelso Fellow
- Director of Education and Collaboration, and Director of the Curriculum Library for Employee Ownership (CLEO), Rutgers Institute for the Study of Employee Ownership and Profit Sharing
- Research: Case studies of ESOP firms
Aquilina Soriano Versoza, Executive Fellow
- Founder and Executive Director, Pilipino Workers Center of Southern California
- Research: Home care worker cooperatives
Valerie Whitcomb, Employee Ownership Foundation Louis O. Kelso Fellow
- Instructor, Perdue School of Business, Salisbury University
- Research: Case studies of ESOP companies
Nancy Wiefek, Joseph Cabral Distinguished Scholar and Fellow
- Research Director, National Center for Employee Ownership (NCEO)
- Research: The impact of ESOPs on employees
Trevor Young-Hyman, Employee Ownership Foundation Louis O. Kelso Fellow
- Assistant Professor of Business Administration and Sociology, Katz School of Business, University of Pittsburgh
- Research: The decision-making process of retiring business owners in considering an ESOP or a worker coop