The Rutgers Institute for the Study of Employee Ownership and Profit Sharing has appointed its 2021-22 class of 25 research fellows. They are:
Joseph Abdel-Nour, Corey Rosen Fellow
- Assistant Professor, Finance, ESSCA School of Management (France)
- Research: Analysis of performance in employee-owned companies
Elizabeth Bennett, Institute Fellow
- Carr Center Fellow, Carr Center for Human Rights Policy, Harvard Kennedy School | Joseph M. Ha Associate Professor of International Affairs, Lewis & Clark College
- Research: Examining why voluntary sustainability certifications deviated from their stated mission and exploring how to reorient them toward employee share ownership
Gabriel Burdin, Institute Fellow
- Associate Professor, Economics, Leeds University Business School, University of Leeds (UK)
- Research: Empirical analysis of long-term career effects of employee share ownership for young workers
Edward Carberry, Employee Ownership Foundation-Louis O. Kelso Fellow
- Associate Professor, Management, University of Massachusetts Boston
- Research: High-performance work practices and the National ESOP Employee Survey
Robynn Cox, Wawa Fellow
- Assistant Professor, USC Suzanne Dworak-Peck School of Social Work, University of Southern California
- Research: Longitudinal analysis of individual outcomes for formerly incarcerated individuals in ESOP firms versus non-ESOP firms
David Erdal, Executive Fellow
- Honorary Research Fellow, University of St. Andrews (Scotland, UK)
- Research: Employee share ownership and employee buyouts in Scotland
Jose Garcia-Louzao Perez, Institute Fellow
- Research Fellow, Vilnius University (Lithuania) | Principal Research Economist, Bank of Lithuania
- Research: Empirical analysis of long-term career effects of employee share ownership for young workers
Tej Gonza, Rutgers Fellow (Supported by Google.org)
- Ph.D. Candidate, Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Ljubljana (Slovenia)
- Research: Comparative analysis of economic and social consequences in employee-owned firms versus non-employee-owned firms
Jessica Gordon Nembhard, Kendeda Fellow
- Professor, Community Justice and Social Economic Development, Jay College of Criminal Justice, City University of New York
- Research: Multinational case studies of formerly incarcerated individuals in worker cooperatives
Angelina Grigoreyeva, Social Capital Partners Fellow
- Assistant Professor, Sociology, University of Toronto (Canada)
- Research: Case studies of employee share ownership in Canada and analysis of the U.S. Federal Reserve Board’s Survey of Consumer Finances
Gonzalo Hernández Gutiérrez, Nachson and Arieh Mimran Fellow
- Researcher-Professor, Advanced Management in Organizations and Social Economy, ITESO, Jesuit University of Guadalajara (Mexico)
- Research: Analysis of employee share ownership cases and contexts in Latin America
Jung Ook Kim, Employee Ownership Foundation-Louis O. Kelso Fellow
- Ph.D. Candidate, Industrial Relations and Human Resource Management, School of Management and Labor Relations, Rutgers University
- Research: Analysis of the employee and organizational outcomes of ESOP versus non-ESOP workers in the National ESOP Employee Survey
Kyoung Yong Kim, Rutgers Fellow (Supported by Google.org)
- Assistant Professor, Management and Operations, School of Business, Villanova University
- Research: Are there fewer cases of financial malfeasance in stock market companies with employee share ownership?
Yunhyae Kim, Rutgers Fellow (Supported by Google.org)
- Ph.D. Candidate, Philosophy, Harvard University
- Research: Social philosophy and employee share ownership
Jegoo Lee, J. Robert Beyster Fellow
- Assistant Professor, Management, College of Business, University of Rhode Island
- Research: Empirical analysis of corporate social responsibility metrics and employee share ownership plans
Margaret Lund, Executive Fellow
- Principal, Co-opera | Consultant specializing in community development finance and shared ownership strategies
- Research: The dynamics of developing worker cooperatives with modest-income workers
Christopher Mackin, Ray Carey Fellow
- Faculty Member, Labor and Worklife Program, Harvard Law School | Lecturer, School of Management and Labor Relations, Rutgers University
- Research: Analysis of policies to dramatically increase employee buyouts
Thibault Mirabel, Nachson and Arieh Mimran Fellow
- Ph.D. Candidate, Economics, University of Paris Nanterre (France)
- Research: Comparative analysis of economic and social performance in French and U.S. worker-owned firms
Michael Palmieri, Institute Fellow
- Ph.D. Candidate, Sociology, Kent State University | Research Associate, Ohio Employee Ownership Center
- Research: Analysis of the support infrastructure needed for worker-owned companies
Olga Prushinskaya, Executive Fellow
- Metrics and Impact Analyst, Democracy at Work Institute
- Research: Developing a census of worker cooperatives and continuing empirical surveys of their employees
Jack Stack, Executive Fellow
- Founder, The Great Game of Business
- Research: Employee share ownership and open-book management
Stacey Sutton, Kendeda Fellow
- Associate Professor, Urban Planning and Policy, University of Illinois Chicago
- Research: Developing a database of Black-led worker cooperatives and conducting interviews to understand their infrastructure, ideology, and worker mobility
Marcelo Vieta, Faculty Mentor and Fellow
- Associate Professor, Workplace Learning and the Social Economy, Program in Adult Education and Community Development, Ontario Institute for Studies in Education, University of Toronto (Canada)
- Research: Studying conversions to worker cooperatives of existing companies
Valerie J. Whitcomb, Employee Ownership Foundation-Louis O. Kelso Fellowship
- Adjunct Faculty, Franklin P. Perdue School of Business, Salisbury University
- Research: Case studies of companies with employee share ownership
Nancy Wiefek, Joseph Cabral Distinguished Scholar and Fellow
- Research Director, National Center for Employee Ownership
- Research: Continuing longitudinal analysis comparing young ESOP and non-ESOP workers through their careers using the Federal Government’s National Longitudinal Survey of Youth