The Rutgers Institute for the Study of Employee Ownership and Profit Sharing has appointed its 2020-21 class of research fellows. They are:
Hilary Abell, Executive Fellow
- Co-Founder, Project Equity
- Research: Using ESOPs and worker co-ops to buy-out retiring business owners
- Method: Quantitative analysis
Maru Bautista, Executive Fellow
- Director of Cooperative Development, Center for Family Life; President, Board of Directors, Democracy at Work Institute
- Research: The development of gig platform worker cooperatives and franchising worker cooperatives to assist modest-income women
- Method: Case studies
Colin Birkhead, Louis O. Kelso Fellow
- Ph.D. Candidate, Sociology, Trinity College of Arts and Sciences, Duke University
- Research: Do employee ownership plans help organizations resist the pressures of shareholder orientations and corporate short-termism?
- Method: Quantitative analysis
David Ciepley, Rutgers Research Fellow
- Associate Professor, Political Science, College of Arts, Humanities, & Social Sciences, University of Denver
- Research: Constitutional democracy and the corporation, between Republican liberty and oligarchy
- Method: Qualitative analysis
Adriane Clomax, Corey Rosen Fellow
- Ph.D. Candidate, USC Suzanne Dworak-Peck School of Social Work, University of Southern California
- Research: Broad-based employee ownership, the labor market, and mental health outcomes of the formerly-incarcerated
- Method: Quantitative analysis
Jamil Hassounah, Rutgers Research Fellow
- Ph.D. Candidate, Management, Wilmington University
- Research: Employee attitudes and participation in decision-making in ESOP firms
- Method: Qualitative and quantitative analysis
Tony Kong, Rutgers Research Fellow
- Associate Professor, Information Systems and Decision Sciences, Muma College of Business, University of South Florida
- Research: Informal peer controls and employee share ownership/shared capitalism
- Method: Quantitative analysis
Jegoo Lee, Rutgers Research Fellow
- Assistant Professor, Management, College of Business, University of Rhode Island
- Research: ESOPs and corporate responsibility
- Method: Analysis of the MSCI ESG dataset
Benjamin Leff, Roland Attenborough Fellow
- Professor, Washington College of Law, American University
- Research: Universal basic income and universal capital accounts
- Method: Legal analysis
Christopher Mackin, Ray Carey Fellow
- Member of the Faculty, Labor and Worklife Program, Harvard Law School
- Research: Analyzing policies on employee ownership
- Method: Policy analysis
Christopher Michael, Joseph Cabral Distinguished Scholar and Fellow
- Assistant Professor of Practice, Labor Studies and Employment Relations, School of Management and Labor Relations, Rutgers University
- Research: Analyzing how the Employee Ownership Trust affects firms and their employees in the U.S. and other countries
- Method: Qualitative and quantitative analysis
Simon Pek, Rutgers Research Fellow
- Assistant Professor, Gustavson School of Business, University of Victoria (Canada)
- Research: Applying deliberative democracy in employee-owned firms and platform cooperatives
- Method: Qualitative and quantitative analysis
Adria Scharf, J. Robert Beyster Fellow
- Project Director, Curriculum Library for Employee Ownership (CLEO), Rutgers Institute for the Study of Employee Ownership and Profit Sharing
- Research: How employee ownership improves job quality for modest-income workers
- Method: Qualitative and quantitative analysis
Tanya Brice Smith, Robert W. Edwards Fellow
- Fellow, Rutgers Institute for the Study of Employee Ownership and Profit Sharing
- Research: The role of equity ownership shares in closing the racial wealth gap
- Method: Analysis interviews
Michael C. Sturman, Lon and Lauren McGowan Fellow in Profit Sharing
- Professor, Human Resource Management, School of Management and Labor Relations, Rutgers University
- Research: Employee perceptions of their profit sharing plan in the context of a more complex pay-for-performance system
- Method: Quantitative analysis
James Terez, Corey Rosen Fellow
- Associate Director, NJ/NY Center for Employee Ownership, Rutgers Institute for the Study of Employee Ownership and Profit Sharing
- Research: Employee ownership as a succession plan for retiring small business owners
- Method: Qualitative and quantitative analysis