The Institute for the Study of Employee Ownership and Profit Sharing at the Rutgers School of Management and Labor Relations has appointed 22 research fellows to advance the study of broad-based employee stock ownership, equity compensation, gain sharing, profit sharing, and worker cooperatives. They are:
Cecile Betit, Louis O. Kelso Fellow
- Independent Researcher
- Education: Ph.D., Organizational Development, Temple University
- Research Topic: Quantitative longitudinal study of an ESOP
Jennifer Briggs, Executive Fellow
- Former Vice President of Human Resources, employee-owned New Belgium Brewery
- Education: M.S., Organizational Leadership, Regis University
- Research Topic: Leadership and corporate culture in employee-owned companies
Robynn Cox, Louis O. Kelso Fellow
- Assistant Professor, School of Social Work, University of Southern California
- Education: Ph.D., Economics, Georgia State University
- Research Topic: How employee ownership affects labor market outcomes for the formerly incarcerated
James Hayton, Beyster Fellow
- Professor, Human Resource Management and Entrepreneurship, Warwick Business School (UK)
- Former Dean, School of Management and Labor Relations, Rutgers University
- Education: Ph.D., Human Resource Management, Georgia State University
- Research Topic: Equity and commitment in entrepreneurial firms using a global dataset
Melissa Hoover, Executive Fellow
- Founding Executive Director, Democracy at Work Institute
- Former Executive Director, Federation of Worker Cooperatives
- Education: B.A., History, Stanford University
- Research Topic: The development of worker cooperatives in the United States
Carla Ilten, George S. Pillsbury Fellow
- Ph.D. Candidate, Sociology, University of Illinois at Chicago
- Research Topic: The infrastructure needed for broadened ownership of capital and economic democracy
Camille Kerr, Executive Fellow
- Associate Director, The ICA Group
- Education: J.D. and Arthur Russell Morgan Fellow, University of Cincinnati Law School
- Research Topic: Worker cooperatives in the care worker sector
Jung ook Kim, Louis O. Kelso Fellow
- Ph.D. Candidate, Industrial Relations and Human Resources, School of Management and Labor Relations, Rutgers University
- Research Topic: Designing, implementing, and analyzing the National ESOP Employee Survey Project, enabling the next generation of employee ownership research
Michael Lee, Bill and Connie Nobles Fellow
- Ph.D. Candidate, Management, Harvard Business School
- Research Topic: Exploring the dynamics and consequences of less hierarchical organizations
Christopher Mackin, Ray Carey Fellow
- Lecturer, Human Resource Management, School of Management and Labor Relations, Rutgers University
- Advisor, NJ/NY Center for Employee Ownership, School of Management and Labor Relations, Rutgers University
- Education: Ed.D., Human Development, Harvard University
- Research Topic: Mapping the future of inclusive capitalism
Lucas McGranahan, Corey Rosen Fellow
- Ph.D. Candidate, Philosophy, University of California at Santa Cruz
- Research Topic: Qualitative case studies of employee-owned firms
Phil Melizzo, Joseph Cabral Fellow
- Associate Professor, Economics, College of Wooster
- Education: Ph.D., Economics, University of Massachusetts
- Research Topic: Experimental economic laboratory studies of economic democracy
Christopher Michael, Louis O. Kelso Fellow
- Lecturer, Human Resource Management, School of Management and Labor Relations, Rutgers University
- Advisor, NJ/NY Center for Employee Ownership, School of Management and Labor Relations, Rutgers University
- Director of Employee Ownership, City of Newark, New Jersey
- Ph.D. Candidate, Political Science, City University of New York
- Education: J.D.; City University of New York
- Research Topics: The reform of state employee ownership laws and the history of private equity and employee ownership
Bill Nobles, Executive Fellow
- Retired CEO of Exxon Central Services
- Education: B.S., Chemical Engineering, University of Mississippi
- Research Topic: Developing an edited volume of cases and research on the alternatives to hierarchical management
Graeme Nuttall OBE, Executive Fellow
- Partner, Fieldfisher, European law firm (London)
- Former independent adviser to the UK Government on employee ownership
- Author, Nuttall Review of Employee Ownership for the UK Government
- Deputy Chair, UK Employee Ownership Sector Group
- Trustee, Institute for the Future of Work
- Education: M.A., Law, Peterhouse, University of Cambridge
- Research Topic: National policies and policy analysis on employee ownership
Erik Olsen, Senior Fellow
- Associate Professor, Economics, University of Missouri at Kansas City
- Education: Ph.D., Economics, University of Massachusetts
- Research Topic: Dynamics in majority employee-owned firms
Michael Paz, Rob Edwards Fellow
- Assistant Professor, Accounting, College of Business, Cornell University
- Education: Ph.D., Accounting, Drexel University
- Research Topic: The relationship between employee stock ownership plans and executive compensation
Nathan Schneider, Louis O. Kelso Fellow
- Visiting Assistant Professor, Media Studies, University of Colorado at Boulder
- Education: M.A., Religious Studies, University of California at Santa Barbara
- Research Topic: A study of Louis O. Kelso’s Consumer Stock Ownership Plan (CSOP)
Marshall Vance, Joseph Cabral Fellow
- Visiting Assistant Professor, School of Business, University of Michigan
- Education: Ph.D., Accounting, Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania
- Research Topic: Economic performance in employee ownership firms
Karla Walter, Louis Kelso Fellow
- Director of Employment Policy, Center for American Progress
- Education: M.A., Urban Planning and Public Policy, University of Illinois at Chicago
- Research Topic: The development of state and local policy on employee ownership
Dan Weltmann, Kevin Ruble Fellow
- Assistant Professor, School of Business, Western Connecticut State University
- Education: Ph.D., Industrial Relations and Human Resources, School of Management and Labor Relations, Rutgers University
- Research Topic: Designing, implementing, and analyzing the National ESOP Employee Survey Project, enabling the next generation of employee ownership research
Trevor Young-Hyman, Bill and Connie Nobles Fellow
- Assistant Professor, Sociology and Business, School of Business, University of Pittsburgh
- Education: Ph.D., Sociology, University of Wisconsin
- Research Topic: Non-hierarchical organizational forms, workforce diversity, and economic democracy