We look forward to welcoming you to the School of Management and Labor Relations as a transfer student!
Please review the topics below for an overview of the guidelines and policies we will use to assess your prior coursework and credentials for credit toward your degree.
Up to 60 credits maximum transfer from a 2-year college.
Up to 90 credits maximum transfer from a 4-year college.
Up to 12 twelve credits transfer in the last 42 credits for the degree – that is, for residency, at least 30 of these 42 final credits must be from Rutgers New Brunswick.
At SMLR, there is no limit on the transfer of credits in particular college-level subjects (e.g. business; studio arts) or in subjects taken previously in high school (e.g. foreign languages).
Credits in college-level subjects not offered at Rutgers NB, but offered in other Big 10 Universities, transfer as electives.
Up to 25 technical course credits transfer -- this includes credits taken to prepare for a particular occupation/profession (e.g. IT technician; paralegal; podiatrist).
For physical education, up to 2 activity credits transfer; physical education credits that involve professional training for a future as a coach or physical education teacher are considered technical credits.
Out of classroom experience like internships and life experience credits (e.g. from Thomas Edison State University) transfer, but we do not assess life experience for credit.
Credits earned via MOOCs or CLEP do not transfer.
Grades less than C do not transfer.
A grade of Pass (or a similar grade instituted by a college during the pandemic) is considered equal to a C. Grades of Pass transfer.
The School of Management and Labor Relations follows guidelines and policies for credits earned in foreign colleges or universities in alignment with the Rutgers School of Arts and Sciences (SAS).
The School of Management and Labor Relations follows guidelines and policies for Advanced Placement (AP) credits, credits earned in high school courses, and for credits earned International Baccalaureate (IB) exams in alignment with the Rutgers School of Arts and Sciences (SAS). Please reference the links below for current policies.
Please furnish a syllabus of the course involved to the Academic Program Director of the Labor Studies and Employment Relations Department. They will make a final decision, often after consultation with faculty in the department at Rutgers that would offer a similar course.
The current Academic Program Director is Paula B. Voos, pbvoos@smlr.rutgers.edu.