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"LEARN Lessons" is a collection of mini-lectures delivered by various experts on topics of importance to unions, labor relations professionals, health and safety advocates, and others working in the field of work and employment.
Topics range from broad social questions such as income inequality and race to more specific issues like how to file an OPRA request, or best practices during Weingarten meetings. We hope that you will find these video lectures helpful in your daily work.
The Legal Framework of Collective Bargaining: Part 1 - Overview of Union Membership in the U.S. - Carla A. Katz, Esq., Rutgers University
The Legal Framework of Collective Bargaining: Part 2 - What is Collective Bargaining? - Carla A. Katz, Esq., Rutgers University
The Legal Framework of Collective Bargaining: Part 3 - What Laws Impact Collective Bargaining? - Carla A. Katz, Esq., Rutgers University
The Legal Framework of Collective Bargaining: Part 4 - Public Sector vs. Private Sector Law - Carla A. Katz, Esq., Rutgers University
From Secret Trade Societies to Clubs: Early Black Women's Labor Organizing Outside of Labor Unions - Danielle Phillips-Cunningham, Rutgers University
Norman Rayford, 1199c organizer killed during a campaign in 1970 in Philly - Francis Ryan, Rutgers University
The 1934 Seabrook Farms Strike: Black Workers in the Agricultural Industry in South Jersey - Daniel Sidorick, Rutgers University
A. Philip Randolph's Life and Leadership: Race, Labor and Civil Rights in the 20th Century - Christopher Hayes, Rutgers University
African Americans' Struggle for Full Rights in the U.S. Labor Movement - Mike Slott, Rutgers University
A Democracy Cannot Exist Without Labor Unions: Paul Robeson and the Labor Movement - William Brucher, Rutgers University
Juneteenth - Erica Smiley, Jobs With Justice
Prevailing Wage - 101 - Todd Vachon, Rutgers University
Race: What is it? - Todd Vachon, Rutgers University
Racism, Prejudice, and Discrimination - Todd Vachon, Rutgers University
Contact Us
Todd Vachon
Djar Horn
Labor Education Specialist
LaToshia Wells
Program Coordinator
Email: learn@work.rutgers.edu