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An Advocate's Guide to Building Stronger Labor Standards Enforcement
An Advocate’s Guide to Building Stronger Labor Standards Enforcement is the Workplace Justice Lab@RU's new series aimed at providing worker advocates and policy organizations with strategies for leveraging labor standards enforcement to ensure hard-fought worker protections are realized.
- Defending Immigrant Worker Rights in a Time of Peril: A checklist of key demands organizers can make of local and state agencies (Versión en español)
This checklist outlines demands advocates can make of state and local labor agencies as part of a collective response to the attacks on immigrant workers. A companion checklist for state and local agencies with more detailed policy suggestions and resources is also available. - Building Block 1: Essential Labor Standards Enforcement Powers
This brief is a guide for advocates and policy organizations on essential statutory powers administrative agencies need to robustly enforce labor standards laws. Using real life examples that contrast strong and inadequate statutory language, this paper describes how legal provisions or omissions can restrict or bolster fundamental enforcement powers. It also provides model language that can be used in drafting new labor standards laws and amendments to existing labor standards legislation. Download the brief
"Governing for Worker Power: Worker Centers Lead the Way on Labor Law Enforcement" Janice Fine and Jenn Round, 2023