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- “COVID-19 and Employment Losses for Workers with Disabilities: An Intersectional Approach,” forthcoming in Sophie Hennekam, Joy Beatty, and Mukta Kulkarni, eds. Handbook of Disability and Management, Degruyter, 2022. By Lisa Schur, Yana van der Meulen Rodgers, and Douglas Kruse, February 2021.
- “The Disability Employment Puzzle: A Field Experiment on Employer Hiring Behavior,” ILR Review Vol. 71, No. 2, March 2018, pp. 329-364. By Mason Ameri, Lisa Schur, Meera Adya, Scott Bentley, Patrick McKay, and Douglas Kruse.
- “Projecting Potential Demand for Workers with Disabilities,” Monthly Labor Review, October 2010. By Douglas Kruse, Lisa Schur, and Mohammad Ali.
- “Calibrating the Impact of the ADA’s Employment Provisions,” Stanford Law and Policy Review, Vol. 14.2, 2003, pp. 267-290. By Peter Blanck, Lisa Schur, Douglas Kruse, Susan Schwochau, and Chen Song.
- “Employment of People with Disabilities Following the ADA,” Industrial Relations, Vol. 42, No. 1, January 2003, pp. 31-66. By Douglas Kruse and Lisa Schur.
- “Does the Definition Affect the Outcome? Employment Trends Under Alternative Measures of Disability,” in David Stapleton and Richard Burkhauser, eds., The Decline in the Employment of People with Disabilities: A Policy Puzzle (Kalamazoo, MI: W.E. Upjohn Institute for Employment Research, 2003), pp. 279-300. By Douglas Kruse and Lisa Schur.