Credentials: Understanding the problems.
Identify the opportunities. Create Solutions
Paul L. Gaston and Michelle Van Noy
Forward by Peter Ewell
The credentials environment grows more complicated by the day. This book enables readers to grasp the key issues and take informed action.
For ease of reference, each chapter opens with a summary of its content and closes with a list of key takeaways for readers to consider.
The plan of the book reflects the authors’ practical aim. In the first of three parts, they offer a broad view of the topic―how credentials work, how a proliferation in credentials has created an unprecedented array of educational choices, and the implications of this abundance in considering the models to use. In the second part, they focus on categories of credentials, from the associate degree, to doctoral degrees, and to non-degree credentials. The book concludes with two chapters that consider the implications of the information the authors provide for leadership in volatile times, such as considerations of equity; and offer twelve propositions for action.
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