Information Literacy Presentations
Information literacy encompasses finding, evaluating, and using information. Consider an information literacy session for your course to either introduce important research concepts to your students or advance their existing skills. Presentation topics include:
- Rutgers University Libraries Introduction/Overview
- Beginning the Research Process
- Writing a Literature Review
- Creating Citations
- What is Plagiarism and How to Avoid It
- Evaluating Journal Articles
- Search Techniques and Strategies
- Internet Research and Evaluation
- Guidance on Course Specific Assignments
Presentations are tailored to meet the course’s specific needs; and can be anywhere from 30 minutes long, or a full class period. Presentations are available for summer and winter sessions as well. Contact Julie Peters, jpeters@smlr.rutgers.edu to schedule a session.
Supplementary Course Materials
The Library provides a number of supplementary course materials to assist you and your students:
- Citation Style Guides for APA, MLA and Chicago Style
- Avoiding Plagiarism Guide
- Video tutorials:
⇒ General Library Introduction
⇒ Understanding & Avoiding Plagiarism
⇒ Identifying & Finding Scholarly Articles in Academic Journals
⇒ Brief Introduction to Evaluating Information
⇒ Special Topics available upon request
Supplementary materials can either be downloaded and distributed in class, or embedded within an online course or course management system. If you would like the Library to develop a specific type of supplementary material, please contact Julie Peters, jpeters@smlr.rutgers.edu.
Embedded Librarian in Online Courses
If you are offering an online course, there is an option to have a librarian embedded within the course. This can be designed in several different ways depending on the course, but essentially, a librarian will be available for students electronically. The librarian may “visit” the course for only one unit, or be available to students throughout the entire length of the course. The embedded librarian will also utilize many of the supplementary materials discussed above. If you are interested in having a librarian embedded in your online course, please contact Julie Peters, jpeters@smlr.rutgers.edu.
Useful Links
Submit a Request for Course Reserves
Submit a Purchase Recommendation
Submit an Academic Integrity Reporting Form
Office Hours in the Janice H. Levin Building
The Library Director, Julie Peters, is available by appointment only in the Levin Building, Suite 216F.