Randall S. Schuler
- Distinguished Professor Emeritus, Human Resource Management (HRM)
- Talent Management
- Global Talent Management
- Multi-level Talent Management
- Global Human Resource Management
- Strategic Human Resource Management
- HRM in International Joint Ventures
Randall S. Schuler is Distinguished Professor Emeritus of Strategic International Human Resource Management and Human Resource Management Strategy in the Department of Human Resource Management. He is also with the University of Lucerne’s Center for HRM as a visiting scholar. His interests include global talent management, macro talent management, innovation and human resource management, global human resource management, strategic human resource management, the human resource management function in organizations and the interface of business strategy and human resource management. He has authored or edited over fifty books including: Managing Human Resources, 12e; International Human Resource Management, 6e; Managing Human Resources in Cross-Border Alliances; Strategic Human Resource Management: A Reader 2e; Cases in Managing Organizations and People, 7e.; La gestion de los Recursos Humanos 4e; La gestion des Ressources Humaines au Seuil, 4e; Internationales Personalmanagement; and Managing Job Stress. In addition, he has contributed over seventy chapters to reading books and has published over one-fifty hundred articles in professional journals and academic proceedings.
He is a Fellow of the American Psychological Association, a Fellow of the British Academy of Management, a Fellow of the Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology, and a Fellow of the Academy of Management. He is a past consulting editor of the European Journal of International Management, past editor of the Human Resource Planning Journal, past area editor of the Journal of World Business, and a past co-editor of the Journal of Operations Management.
He is a founding co-editor of the GLOBAL HRM Series for Routledge Publishing, London England, with P. Sparrow and S. E. Jackson. The Series is comprised of more than thirty books and involves more than 500 authors from around the world.
Listing of the books and the new editors
Description of the GLOBAL Series
Selected Articles
- HRM and Organizational Effectiveness: Yesterday and Today, JOE, March 2014 with S. Jackson
- Global Talent Management Literature Review. Literature Review for the Society of Human Resource Management Foundation. October 28, 2012.
- External Learning Activities and Employee Creativity in Chinese R&D Teams. Research was supported by the grant from National Science Foundation of China. October 6, 2012.
- Global Talent Management and Global Talent Challenges: Strategic Opportunities for IHRM. Journal of World Business. Volume 46, Issue 4, October 2011, page 506-516.
- Global Talent Management: Literature review, Integrative framework, and Suggestions For Further Research, Journal of World Business, Volume 45, Issue 2, April 2010, page 122-133. For reprints contact www.elsevier.com/locate/jwb.
- Global Talent Management and Global Talent Challenges: Strategic Opportunities for IHRM. Journal of World Business. Volume 46, Issue 4, October 2011, page 506-516.
- HRM Practice and Scholarship: A North American Perspective. Handbook of Research in Comparative Human Resource Management, (Edward Elgar Publishing 2012).
- Global talent management: Literature review, integrative framework, and suggestions for further research, Journal of World Business, Volume 45, Issue 2, April 2010, page 122-133, for reprints contact www.elsevier.com/locate/jwb.
- Framework for Global Talent Management: HR Actions For Dealing With Global Talent Challenges.
- HRM Practice and Scholarship: A North American Perspective.
- Gaining Competitive Advantage Through Human Resource Management Practices.
- Managing Human Resources in Cross-Border Alliances.
- International Joint Venture System Complexity and Human Resource Management.
- Alliance Forms and HR issues, Implications and Significance.
- A Short History of the Evolution of IHRM in the U.S.: A Personal Perspective.
- A Quarter-Century Review of Human Resource Management in the U.S.
- Managing Human Resources in International Mergers and Acquisitions.
Global Talent Management Materials
- Global Talent Management Literature Review. Literature Review for the Society of Human Resource Management Foundation. October 28, 2012.
- Global Talent Management and Global Talent Challenges:Strategic Opportunities for IHRM, Journal of World Business 2011. For reprints contact www.elsevier.com/locate/jwb
- Global talent management:Literature review, integrative framework, and suggestions for further research, Journal of World Business, 2010. For reprints contact www.elsevier.com/locate/jwb
Global HRM Series
HRM in International Joint Ventures
- As the IJV Grows: Lessons and Progress at Davidson-Marley BV
- Davidson-Marley BV: Establishing and Operating an International Joint Venture
- Human Resource Issues and Activities in International Joint Ventures
- Human Resource Management BIJ EEN International Joint Venture
- Formation of an International Joint Venture: Davidson Instrument Panel
Macro Talent Management Materials
- Framework of Macro Talent Management: Example of The United States, Macro Talent Management (2016).
- "Macro Talent Management Factors in the United States," 2016.
- Incorporating the Macro View in Global Talent Management. Human Resource Management Review, September 2015.
Talent Management Series
- "Talent Management: A Systematic Review and Future Prospects," European Journal of International Management, 2017.
- Talent Management in the Global Context. Oxford Handbook of Talent Management, 2017.
- "The 5-C Framework for Managing Talent," Organizational Dynamics, January 2015.
- Global Talent Management Literature Review. Literature Review for the Society of Human Resource Management Foundation. October 28, 2012.
- Global Talent Management and Global Talent Challenges: Strategic Opportunities for IHRM. Journal of World Business. Volume 46, Issue 4, October 2011, page 506-516.
- Global Talent Management: Literature review, Integrative framework, and Suggestions For Further Research, Journal of World Business, Volume 45, Issue 2, April 2010, page 122-133. For reprints contact www.elsevier.com/locate/jwb.
- Most Downloaded Articles on Talent Management
- Talent management: a systematic review and future prospects, European J. International Management, Vol. 11, No. 1, 2017
Managing Human Resources uses the authors' well-established Integrative Framework for Managing Human Resources to describe specific human resource (HR) activities including recruitment, training, performance management, and compensation. An important learning objective for students using Managing Human Resources is to develop an understanding of how the many specific HR activities can work together as a system that improves organizational effectiveness. This edition is a significantly revised and improved version of a title previously published by Cengage Learning.
Each chapter includes feature boxes highlighting five current themes in managing human resources:
- new technologies
- metrics and analytics
- ethics and corporate social responsibility
- diversity and inclusion
- teams
Click on the links below to view the:
International Human Resource Management — Thoroughly updated and revised, this 5th edition (2016), authored by Ibraiz Tarique, Dennis Briscoe, and Randall Schuler, now includes key terms, learning objectives, discussion questions and an end-of-book integrative case. It has been designed to lead readers through all of the key topics in a highly engaging and approachable way. This book focuses on IHRM within multi-national enterprises (MNE's) and covers topics including:
- MNE and country culture
- organizational structure, strategy and design
- international joint ventures and cross-border mergers and acquisitions
- labour standards, ethics and codes of conduct
- selection and management of international assignees
- training and management development
- compensation and benefits
- health and safety and crisis management
- IHRM departments and professionals
- comparative HRM
For more information visit the Routledge website.
Managing Human Resources, Eleventh Edition, explains how successful companies manage human resources in order to compete effectively in a dynamic, global environment. Long known and respected as a tightly integrated, clear, higher-level text, MANAGING HUMAN RESOURCES, Eleventh Edition, presents strong organizing themes: teams, diversity, global issues, corporate social responsibility/ethics/sustainability, and metrics/analytics. These themes are highlighted in interesting boxed features throughout the eleventh edition. The text also follows an organizational structure that emphasizes the HR Triad (employee, line manager, HR manager) with the understanding that effective human resource management requires mutual understanding and collaboration among HR professionals, managers, and all other employees. New to the eleventh edition is an emphasis on preparation for the PHR/SPHR certification exam. Because organizations differ from each other in so many ways--including their locations, competitive strategies, products and services, and corporate cultures--these experienced authors use many different companies to illustrate how employers address the challenge of managing human resources effectively. This new edition includes examples of companies in many different industries, sizes, and countries.
For more information go to: www.cengagebrain.com (Jackson/Schuler/Werner).
Global HRM Book Series
Edited and authored by the best and most well known researchers in the field of human resource management (HRM), this series of books offers students accessible coordinated and comprehensive textbooks on global HRM. To be used individually or together these books cover the main bases of the areas, including titles on global alliances, corporations, leadership, legal systems, staffing and compensation systems.
Click here for details on the full series.
Managing Human Resources in Cross-Border Alliances
Table of Contents
1. Managing human resources in cross-border alliances
2. International joint ventures
3. Managing human resources in international joint ventures
4. International mergers and acquisitions
5. Managing human resources in international mergers and acquisitions
6. Managing cultural diversity in cross-border alliances
7. Managing cooperation, control, structure, and exit in cross-border alliances
8. Cross-border alliances and the HRM profession
Strategic Human Resource Management
The second edition of this popular volume, edited by Randall S. Schuler and Susan E. Jackson, provides management students and senior practitioners with a completely new and updated guide to the latest work in the field. This selection of important and highly readable articles from authors around the world charts key developments that have changed the theory and practice of SHRM over the last six years.
Managing Organizations and People, Sixth Edition, was written to provide a single, comprehensive source of a variety of cases that have proven useful in many management, organizational behavior, and human resource management courses. As with the Fourth Edition, this casebook contains several "class" cases such as "Dick Spencer", "Dowling Flexible Metals", "The Luggers Versus the Butchers", and "Peoples Trust Company". It also contains twenty-one new cases, many of which depict recent events at well-known companies. In total, this edition contains forty-six cases that we think provoke student interest and that you may find appropriate to use as a single text for a management, organizational behavior, or human resource management course taught entirely by the case method, or as a supplement to a textbook in one of these fields.
Organizational Behavior has come of age as a mature field of scholarship, addressing some of the most complex and important issues in business and management. Scholars require a terminology which helps to identify and draw distinctions between ideas, but newcomers to this field have an additional need for clear definition and explanation and are often frustrated by the welter of what they see as 'jargon'. This is what The Blackwell Encyclopedic Dictionary of Organizational Behavior provides--clear, concise and informative definitions and explanations of key concepts and issues, with an emphasis on current and developing trends. The Dictionary provides comprehensive and balanced coverage, giving equal emphasis to macro and micro perspectives, and to theory and practice, making it useful to the widest readership range.
Managing HR in the Information Age
As a consequence of the trends and events in 1990's, the essence of this sixth volume in the SHRM/BNA series on HRM is getting, managing, and using human resource-related information and communications in organizations. Addressed under this general umbrella are topics such as: the sources and types of HR information in external and internal environments; who collects the information and how it is collected; how is the information managed; what are the forms of communication within the organization; what are the ways in which line managers and HR managers can share the information and communication processes; and what effect are the new needs and uses of communication and information having upon the structure of the HR profession, its roles, and the HR department.
This third edition of Human Resource Management in Australia will greatly assist in providing the reader with an in-depth understanding of the critical issues of the 1990's. In addition to providing understanding, it will also offer examples of what firms are doing with these issues and what they could be doing. Thus you are offered possible courses of action and, as you read this second edition, you will acquire an understanding of the issues and of what firms are doing and could be doing as they seek to manage their human resources more effectively.
Over the past two decades, International Human Resource Management (IHRM) has evolved into an important field of research, teaching and practice. Until recently the focus of IHRM was on how to best manage human resources (HR's) in the multinational enterprise; however, IHRM has now evolved to incorporate two more perspectives, cross-cultural HRM and comparative HRM. Significant developments are taking place in the corporate world which have serious implications for IHRM. These include globalization, increasing foreign direct investments into emerging markets, growing intensity of cross-border alliances, growth of multinationals from emerging markets (such as China and India), increasing movement of people around the globe and an increasing trend in business process outsourcing to new economies. This emerging global economic scenario is creating immense opportunities for IHRM students and researchers.
Global Presentations
- The Many Faces of Talent Management: Perspectives, Synergies and Roads Ahead TM Presentation at EIASM Talent Management Conference, Valencia, Spain, September 24, 2015
- The Many Faces of Talent Management: Perspectives, Synergies and Roads Ahead at Lancaster University Management School, September 17, 2015
- Realities and Trends of Globalization for HRM and Organizational Effectiveness, R.S. Schuler and S.E. Jackson, 2014. Rutgers University
- HRM & Innovation, A Global Talent Management Challenge, IFSAM, Limerick, Ireland, 6/26/12--6/29/12
- Innovation as a Global Talent Challenge HRM/Innovation Conference, Twente, Netherlands, 11/09/11
- Global Talent Management Initiatives paper for 11th IHRM Conference, Aston, UK
- Global Talent Management Challenges through GTM ppt for 11th IHRM Conference, Aston UK
- Framework for Global Talent Management: HR Actions for Dealing with Global Talent Challenges
Global HRM Series

Randall Schuler retired recently as Distinguished Professor Emeritus of International HRM and Strategic HRM after two decades of outstanding contributions in internationalizing the field.