Jessica R. Methot
- Associate Professor, Human Resource Management (HRM)
- Director, Ph.D. Program, Industrial Relations and Human Resource Management
- Intra-organizational social networks
- Positive workplace relationships
- Team processes
- Work and non-work interface
Jessica Methot, Ph.D., is an Associate Professor of Human Resource Management in the School of Management and Labor Relations at Rutgers University and a Distinguished Research Professor of Management at the University of Exeter Business School. She received her Ph.D. in Organizational Behavior from the University of Florida Warrington College of Business.
Dr. Methot conducts research at the intersection of interpersonal workplace relationships and social network dynamics, including how formal HR practices transform informal social networks, the functional and dysfunctional consequences of workplace relationships, and their temporal and multidimensional features. Her research in these areas has been published in leading academic journals including the Academy of Management Journal, Academy of Management Review, Personnel Psychology, Journal of Management, Journal of Organizational Behavior, and Harvard Business Review and has been featured in over 300 popular media outlets including NPR, The New York Times, The Wall Street Journal, The Economist, Forbes, Fortune, Bloomberg, Nasdaq, Fast Company, and NY Times Magazine.
Dr. Methot is an active member of the Academy of Management, where she serves on the executive committee of the Organizational Behavior Division; she is an Associate Editor at the Academy of Management Review and Personnel Psychology and has served on the Editorial Review Boards of the Academy of Management Review, Journal of Applied Psychology, Academy of Management Discoveries, and Human Resource Management; she is the Director of the Rutgers IRHR PhD Program; and a board member for the Rutgers Center for Women and Work (CWW). She is co-founder of the website WorkTies.org, a cultivated repository for academic research and news on work relationships. She frequently presents to and consults for audiences at a variety of corporations, professional organizations, and non-profits on topics ranging from strategically crafting personal and organizational networks to the digital HRM transformation.
Kim, M., Methot, J. R., Park, W., & Gully, S. (In press). The paradox of building bridges: Examining countervailing effects of leader external brokerage on team performance. Journal of Organizational Behavior.
Methot, J. R., & Cole, M. S. (In press). Unpacking the microdynamics of multiplex peer developmental relationships: A mutuality perspective. Journal of Management.
Methot, J. R., Rosado-Solomon, E., Downes, P., & Gabriel, A. (in press). Office chit-chat as a social ritual: The uplifting yet distracting effects of daily small talk at work. Academy of Management Journal.
Methot, J. R., Rosado-Solomon, E., Downes, P., & Gabriel, A. (25 March 2021). Remote workers need small talk, too. Harvard Business Review.
Methot, J. R., Rosado-Solomon, E., & Allen, D. (2018). The network architecture of human capital: A relational identity perspective. Academy of Management Review, 43, 723-748.
Methot, J. R., Melwani, S., & Rothman, N. B. (2017). The space between us: A social-functional emotions view of ambivalent and indifferent workplace relationships. Journal of Management, 43, 1789-1819.
Methot, J. R., Lepak, D. P., Shipp, A. J., & Boswell, W. R. (2017). Good Citizen Interrupted: Calibrating a Temporal Theory of Citizenship Behavior. Academy of Management Review, 42, 10-31.
Methot, J. R., LePine, J. A., Podsakoff, N. P., & Christian, J. L. (2016). Are workplace friendships a mixed blessing? Exploring tradeoffs of multiplex relationships and associations with job performance. Personnel Psychology, 69, 311-355.
Methot, J. R., & LePine, J. A. (2016). Too close for comfort? Investigating the nature and functioning of work and non-work boundary segmentation preferences. Journal of Business and Psychology, 31, 103-123.
LePine, J. A., Buckman, B., Crawford, E. R., & Methot, J. R. (2011). A review of research on personality in teams: Accounting for pathways spanning levels of theory and analysis. Human Resource Management Review, 21, 311-330.
LePine, J. A., Piccolo, R. F., Jackson, C. L., Mathieu, J. E., & Saul, J. R. (2008). A meta-analysis of teamwork processes: Tests of a multidimensional model and relationships with team effectiveness criteria. Personnel Psychology, 61, 273-307.
Methot, J. R., Zaman, N., & Shim, H. (Forthcoming). Social network analysis in organizations. Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Business and Management.
Methot, J. R., & Seibert, S. (forthcoming). The role of social networks in contemporary careers. In W. Murphy and J. Tosti-Kharas (Eds.), Handbook for Research Methods in Careers. MA: Edward Elgar.
Methot, J. R., & Rosado-Solomon, E. (2020). Multiplex relationships in organizations: Applying an ambivalence lens. In D. J. Brass & S. P. Borgatti (Eds.), Social networks at work. New York: Routledge.
LePine, J. A., Methot, J. R., Crawford, E. R., & Buckman, B. (2012). A model of positive relationships in teams: The role of instrumental, friendship, and multiplex social network ties. Personal Relationships: The Effect of Supervisory, Co-worker, Team, Customer and Nonwork Exchanges on Employee Attitudes, Behavior, and Well-being, SIOP Frontier Series. L. T. Eby and T. D. Allen (Eds).
LePine, J. A., LePine, M. A., & Saul, J. R. (2007). Relationships among work and non-work challenge and hindrance stressors and non-work and work effectiveness criteria: A model of cross-domain stressor effects. In P. Perrewé and D. Ganster (Eds.), Research in Occupational Stress and Well-Being (Vol. 6, pp. 35-72). New York: Elsevier.
Recent Academic Conference Presentations
Methot, J. R., Levin, D. Z., & Shim, H. The effects of network brokerage on workplace loneliness. Presented in the “Alone in a Crowded Office: Antecedents and Consequences of Loneliness in the Workplace” symposium (Chairs: J. Ong & K. Schabram) at the Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management, Boston, August 2019.
Methot, J. R. Presentation in the Panel Symposium “Exploring Relationality in Organizational Scholarship: Past and Future, Convergences and Tensions” (Chairs: H. Wei & N. Thomas) at the Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management, Boston, August 2019.
Methot, J. R., & Kim, M. The paradox of building bridges: Examining countervailing effects of leaders’ external connections on team members’ perceptions of support and team-efficacy. Presented at the XXXIX Annual Sunbelt Conference, Montréal, June 2019.
Kukenberger, M., Methot, J. R., & Crawford, E. Team trust and performance: Examining the predictive validity of network approaches with traditional methods. Presented at the XXXIX Annual Sunbelt Conference, Montréal, June 2019.
Rosado-Solomon, E., Methot, J. R., & Allen, D. The relational architecture of employee turnover: A review and theoretical extension. Presented at the 3rd HR Division International Conference, Dublin, January 2019.
Methot, J. R., & Cole, M. C. From instrumental to developmental: How mutuality generates multiplex peer developmental relationships over time. Presented in the “What Happens Next? The Temporal Dynamics and Long-Term Consequences of Prosocial Behavior” symposium (Chairs: K. Schabram & S. Lee) at the Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management, Chicago, August 2018.
Rosado-Solomon, E., Methot, J. R., & Downes, P. The effects of daily small talk at work. Presented in the “Too Much of a Good (or Not Enough of a Bad) Thing? Counteracting Consequences of Work Relationships” symposium (Chair: N. Longmire) at the Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management, Chicago, August 2018.
Methot, J. R., Rosado-Solomon, E., Downes, P., & Gabriel, A. The countervailing effects of daily small talk. Presented at the 4th biennial Positive Relationships at Work Roundtable, George Mason University, June 2018.
Methot, J. R., & Rosado-Solomon, E. Using social media to navigate stigmatized supervisor-subordinate friendships. Presented in the “Navigating Close Relationships at Work: Challenges of Connecting in a Boundaryless World” Showcase symposium (Chairs: J. Pillemer and N. Rothbard) at the Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management, Atlanta, August 2017.
Methot, J. R., Rosado-Solomon, E., & Levin, D. Friend and foe? The psychological and social network effects of ambivalent relationships.
- Presented in the “Relational Ambivalence at Work” symposium (Chair: K. E. Ingram) at the Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management, Anaheim, August 2016.
- Presented at the 3rd biennial Positive Relationships at Work Roundtable, Cornell University, June 2016.
- Presented at the 7th Intra-Organizational Networks (ION) Conference, Lexington, KY, 2014.
Methot, J. R., & LePine, J. A. The impact of ambivalent friendships on network brokerage, network turbulence, and work engagement. Presented in the “Experiences and Outcomes of Ambivalence in Interpersonal Workplace Relationships” Showcase symposium (Chairs: J. Methot & N. Rothman) at the Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management, Philadelphia, PA, August 2014.
Methot, J. R., & LePine, J. A. Unpacking the functions of positive workplace relationships: Building and testing a theory of workplace friendships and their link to job performance.
- Presented in the “Positive Relationships at Work: Expanding the Empirical Foundations of an Emerging Research Stream” symposium (Chairs: K. Rogers & E. Heaphy) at the Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management, Lake Buena Vista, August 2013.
- Presented in the "Internal and External Relational Social Capital: Work/Nonwork Relations and Organizational Outcomes" symposium (Chair: E. E. Coyne) at the Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management, Montreal, August 2010.
- Presented at the 25th Annual SIOP Conference, Atlanta, GA. April 2010.
Methot, J. R., Lepak, D. Boswell, W. R., & Glomb, T. M. Organizational citizenship behavior and burnout: The joint role of time and group dynamics. Presented in the “Linking Seemingly Desirable Organizational Phenomena and Dysfunctional Outcomes across Contexts and Levels of Analysis” symposium (Chair: J. R. Methot), Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management, Boston, August 2012.
Selected Invited Presentations
“Longing for the Recent Past: The Dual Effects of Daily Nostalgia on Employee Performance.”
- Santa Clara University, March 2021
- UCLA, February 2021
“Harnessing Organizational Networks.” RU SHRM Business Conference, Advantage HR, April 2019.
“The Restorative Yet Distracting Effects of Daily Small Talk at Work.”
- University of Oregon, May 2019
- University of Connecticut, January 2019
- St. John’s University, November 2018
- Arizona State University, October 2018
“Managing Organizational Networks.” Rutgers Cancer Institute, Dept. of Oncology, Grand Rounds Series, New Brunswick, NJ. June, 2017.
“Taking Stock of Your Personal Network for Career Success.” Million Women Mentors, Woodbridge, NJ, June, 2017.
“Leveraging Organizational Networks for Diverse Workforce.” Munich Reinsurance Diversity and Inclusion Council, Princeton, NJ, June 2017.
“Networked HRM.” Presentation at the 25th Annual Garden State Council SHRM Conference, Atlantic City, NJ, September 2016.
“Friend and foe? The Psychological and Social Network Effects of Ambivalent Friendships.” Presentation at the 21st Annual Wharton OB Conference, Philadelphia, PA, November 2015.
“The Value of Analyzing and Managing Organizational Networks.” Presentation to Johnson & Johnson Corporate HR Executive Team, New Brunswick, NJ, June 5, 2015.
“’The Plight of Young Scholars’: A ‘Coin Toss’ or a Case for Resiliency?” Management and International Net-workshop. University of Zurich, Department of Business, October 12, 2014.
- Why ‘casual collisions’ and small talk should be a part of your remote workplace, Remote Report, April 28, 2021
- Why Small Talk is More Important Than You Think, Here’s Something Good podcast, April 28, 2021
- Blah Blah Blah: The Lack of Small Talk is Breaking our Brains, The Walrus, April 22, 2021
- Why Small Talk is Good for You, Discover Magazine, November 5, 2020
- 2 Science-backed Benefits of Making Small Talk with Coworkers, Fast Company, August 9, 2020
- Not So Small Talk, The New York Times, June 11, 2020
- Can You Really be Friends at Work? Vanity Fair (Italy), October 30, 2019
- A Rocker’s Guide to Management, The Economist, November 14, 2018
- Why Workplace Friendships Can Feel So Awkward, The New York Times, May 28, 2018
- Work Friends Make Us More Productive (Except When They Stress Us Out), Harvard Business Review, May 26, 2017
- How to Turn a Work Friend into a Real Friend, Fast Company, June 26, 2016
- Best Editorial Board Reviewer, Journal of Applied Psychology, 2021
- Developmental Reviewer Award, Academy of Management Review, 2020
- Finalist, Academy of Management Review 2018 Best Article Award
- Winner, Personnel Psychology 2016 Best Article Award, Awarded in 2018
- Undergraduate Degree Program: Introduction to Human Resource Management
- Master's Degree Program: Analyzing and Managing Organizational Networks
- Executive Certificate: HR at the Crossroads - Navigating the Evolving Digital Landscape and the Future of Work
- Leadership Development for Early Career Women: Managing Networks for Career Success