Image of SMLRAA Holiday Event

Please join SMLR Alumni Association (SMLRAA), Rutgers Army ROTC, and other Rutgers organization for our second annual Holiday Hope initiative!

Last year, SMLRAA participated in the Rutgers Holiday Hope Initiative, in which a handful of Rutgers organizations went around New Brunswick to give food, clothes, toys, and other items to people in need. SMLRAA would love to have you join them this year!

Some areas to get involved:
1)Physical Donations (e.g. clothing, food)
2)Monetary Donations
3)Volunteer on Christmas Day to distribute physical donations
4)Volunteer to assemble kits to distribute

Visit this link for more information: https://linktr.ee/RUTGERS.NB.HOLIDAY.HOPE?UTM_SOURCE=QR_CODE

Please email ruholidayhopenewbrunswick@gmail.com with any questions.

For specific questions about the School of Management and Labor Relations Alumni Association (SMLRAA), please emailsmlralumni@rutgersalumni.org .