Join the Center for Global Work and Employment and the Department of Supply Chain Management at Rutgers Business School on February 25, 2022 for an online discussion with Sarosh Kuruvilla (Cornell University) on his recent book “Private Regulation of Labor Standards in Global Supply Chains: Problems, Progress, and Prospects.”
The author argues that one of the many reasons for why private regulation has not been effective has been field opacity, i.e. the inability of actors in the field of private regulation to see best practices or in other words, what works to improve labor standards in global supply chains. Through unique data the author shows the general ineffectiveness of private regulation thus far, and how opacity is created by behavioral invisibility, causal complexity and practice multiplicity. Implications for the improvement of private regulation is discussed.
The talk will be followed by a Q&A with the author.
Speaker Bio
Sarosh Kuruvilla is currently Professor of Industrial Relations, Asian Studies and Public Affairs at Cornell University. His research has largely focused on comparative industrial relations and the linkage between economic development policies and IR and HR policies and practices in Asia. He currently directs the New Conversations Project: Sustainable Labor Standards in Global Supply Chains at Cornell.
Register here for the online discussion.