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The Philadelphia Inquirer reports the city and AFSCME District Council 33 have reached an agreement on a one-year contract extension, quoting Francis Ryan.
The Philadelphia Inquirer reports on the vice president’s speech to SEIU members. Francis Ryan says, “Labor continues to play an important role in securing victories.”
The Philadelphia Inquirer reports the mayor wants all city employees to return to in-person work by this summer. Francis Ryan adds historical context.
The Philadelphia Inquirer reports on contract negotiations between SEPTA and its largest union, TWU 234, quoting Francis Ryan.
The Philadelphia Inquirer reports SEPTA will be negotiating with at least 14 separate bargaining units in the coming months, quoting Francis Ryan.
QR Calgary / 630 CHEDfr interviews Francis Ryan about the growing number of labor actions in Canada and the U.S.
The Record writes about Shop Rite’s inventory robot, Tally. Francis Ryan discusses the rise of automation in supermarkets and its effect on the workforce.
Welcome to the Jungle talks to Francis Ryan about the Marine Cooks and Stewards Union, the Lavender Scare, Harvey Milk, and the importance of LGBTQ+ labor history.
The Labor and Working Class History Association publishes an essay by Francis Ryan, recounting his personal experiences with Philadelphia’s crossing guards in the 1970s.
The Philadelphia Citizen writes about the graduate student strike and other recent controversies at Temple University, quoting Francis Ryan.